How to Stream Cameras to VLC and Other Platforms

Being able to stream cameras allows you to live stream to many platforms including VLC Media Player, OBS Studio, Youtube, Twitch, and many others. These are great options to consider if you want to stream wildlife, weather, or anything else interesting! The methods shown below will involve the use of RTSP and RTMP


Your RSTP address format should look like this:

    admin – This is the username, usually admin, to access your device (IP Camera, NVR)
    password – This is the password to the user
    address – This can be the IP address or the domain / DDNS name of your device
    554 – This is the RTSP port of your device, don't change this
    channel – This refers to the channel number that you want to pull
    subtype – 0 for Main Stream (highest resolution), 1 for Sub Stream (low resolution, but faster)


Most RTSP streaming platforms will only support H.264 or H.264H (Do not use H.265),
RTMP is strictly H.264,
Ensure the Encode Strategy is set to General,
Lastly do not use a Bit Rate higher than 4096Kb/s,
To check these settings, go to Main Menu > Camera > Encode

Streaming to VLC (RTSP):

To stream to VLC, go to Media and select Stream

Next, click on the Network tab and enter your RTSP URL, remember to include your camera or NVRs password and IP address. If you add in the NVRs IP make sure to change the channel number (channel=1) to the camera channel you wish to stream. Finally click the arrow on stream and select 'Play'.

You can also use your exact same RTSP link to stream a camera to OBS Studio.

Streaming to YouTube (RTMP):

Check out our video guide for Live Streaming to YouTube!
The information here can be used similarly for streaming to Twitch, Kick, and other online platforms.