Schools are becoming less safe. What can we do?
Unfortunately, educational institutions have become less and less safe in recent years as acts of vandalism, theft, bullying, sexual assault and worst of all extreme violence are increasing. NPR news recently reported that schools are receiving an average of 50 threats of violence every day. As a result School policymakers, as well as politicians, have been searching for ways to reduce these occurrences and increase the overall feeling of safety for parents, students, and faculty alike. These resourceful decision makers are increasingly turning to IP security systems to accomplish this goal and with good reason. Installing Security cameras in schools is a vital key to identifying and preventing potential problems as well as resolving issues if and when they do occur. A high definition surveillance system can provide many tools to faculty, staff and first responders making them a simple solution for a complex problem. Let's explore how installing professional-grade IP security cameras can help to ensure safety and peace of mind.

The Educators School Safety Network mid-year report lists top 4 states of concern shown below.
California | Illinois | New York | Pennsylvania |
62.5% Increase in Threats |
44% Increase in Threats |
33.3% Increase in Threats |
14.7% Increase in Threats |
Monitoring Visitors
By installing surveillance cameras both inside and outside all entrances you can help your staff accurately keep track of visitors and make sure they are properly accounted for and are supposed to be there. This is probably the most efficient and safest way to prevent suspicious individuals from entering your school's premises. Another great place to install security cameras is in your parking areas. This will make it even easier for your staff to monitor people coming into your building and will provide extra response time when a suspicious individual is noticed. This also has the added benefit of sorting out fender benders when they happen and ensuring that unauthorized vehicles are not using your lot. Keeping an eye on who is entering and exiting your facility is a key factor in ensuring the safety of your students and as you can see installing security cameras is the most effective way to accomplish this task.
Deter Criminal Behavior
Installing HD IP Surveillance cameras in strategic locations has been proven to discourage people who might be likely to engage in criminal activity. This fact is backed up by numerous police departments. According to a report from the urban institute the police department of Baltimore, Maryland reported that after installing surveillance cameras downtown in 2005 they saw crime drop by more than 30 incidents a month and those numbers continued to drop in subsequent years. People are just much less likely to engage in criminal behavior when they know someone is watching. This simple fact can be the difference between someone committing an act of vandalism, theft or even violence or walking away when they see a surveillance camera. Installing an HD IP Surveillance system in your school will not only help prevent damage or theft but will also help increase the overall safety of your students and staff.
Prevent Situations from Escalating
Many times what begins as a normal interaction between students can escalate extremely quickly if there is no one there to intervene. Network Video Recorders such as the 32 channel Montavue MNR8326-16 can allow all of your school staff to monitor any cameras you give them access too. Having the ability for multiple people to be monitoring cameras from different locations can allow school staff to quickly respond when they notice a situation escalating. This approach can head off any violence or criminal behavior before they happen. Without a Surveillance system in your school, many times staff will respond after the incident has begun or is already over. With a Network video security system staff will be able to spot escalating situations and respond to them before they go any farther. As a result, both students and staff will be safer and many potentially violent incidents can be avoided.
As you can see there are many ways in which Installing a professional-grade 4K IP surveillance system in your school can increase the safety of your students as well as reassure worried parents. Now that you understand how installing IP cameras in your school can significantly increase the safety and security of both your students and your facility lets look at some things to consider before installing your new network video surveillance system.
There are several things to consider when installing your school security camera system. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself that will help determine areas that you will want to have an IP security camera. Think about any past incidents that you wish you had caught on video with a security camera. Where did this incident take place? Are there certain areas in your school where students tend to gather in large groups? Are there certain areas on the premises that have been vandalized in the past or areas that are secluded where students might engage in inappropriate behavior? All of these questions will help you figure out where security cameras will be placed in your school. In addition, you should also consider what types of cameras will work best in certain areas of your school. Below are some more things to consider when purchasing a school security system as well as some solutions offered by Montavue that may be more effective in these situations.
Having security cameras installed in your school is always going to be beneficial. However, security cameras are often targeted by vandals who may attempt to disable your school's surveillance cameras by hitting it or throwing objects at it. Consider areas where your school's security cameras are more likely to be damaged either accidentally or by vandalism. Some areas that this is likely to happen is in schoolyards or near sports facilities such as baseball fields etc. Luckily we at Montavue have a solution to this problem with our MTD8110 Vandal resistant dome camera.

Installing security cameras at the entrances of your school is the most effective way to monitor people entering your facility. Another thing to keep in mind in these areas is how well you can see their faces and small details. You want a camera with a high enough resolution to be able to clearly see facial features and identify things they may be carrying. 4K cameras such as the MTB8110 are perfect for this as they will have 4 times the resolution of a 1080p camera. This will allow you to clearly see facial features and small details.
Large Open Areas
Large areas such as school yards can be challenging to cover without installing multiple cameras which can be costly. To avoid this consider what areas are most important as well as areas that are prone to vandalism or criminal behavior. If you are unsure as to what areas you need to cover then you may want to consider purchasing a Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera for these areas. A PTZ will allow you to reposition the camera remotely. You can also program the camera to perform a tour. The camera will then move to look at multiple different locations greatly increasing the area you can cover with a single camera. Montavue offers a few different PTZ for different needs. A good place to start if you are uncertain is the MTZ4040 4MP PTZ camera with a 4x optical zoom.