While New York has seen a reduction in crime it certainly does not mean it is free from crime. Actually, this reduction can be attributed to both a decline in reported crime coupled with an increase in the state’s population. In any case, You can always benefit from a home security system. As a matter of fact when your home or business has 4mp ip cameras and a 4K NVR installed the likelihood of a criminal activity is greatly reduced by the presence of security, and by the ability to identify the suspects.
Presently Property Crime can be thought of as any crime that involves the unlawful removal of someone’s property. Moreover The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program includes the following offenses in their definition for Property crime. “property crime includes the offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. The object of the theft-type offenses is the taking of money or property, but there is no force or threat of force against the victims. The property crime category includes arson because the offense involves the destruction of property; however, arson victims may be subjected to force. Because of limited participation and varying collection procedures by local law enforcement agencies, only limited data are available for arson.” (1)
“property crime made up 81.54% of all crime reported in New York.”
The number of property crimes reported in New York for 2015 was 315,333. This was a decrease of 6.6% from 2014. Be that as it may, property crime still makes up 81.54% of crimes committed in New York. Burglary and Larceny-theft make up the majority of those crimes with 66.24% being theft and 11.36% were burglaries. For this reason, it is highly beneficial to invest in a Home Security system. In fact, the new technology available in today’s home security systems significantly reduces the risk of property crime. For example, Montavue’s 8MP and 4MP IP cameras and 4K NVR’s have high enough resolution that intruders can clearly be identified. Similarly, infrared night vision and color night optics allow for 24/7 surveillance. Combine these with the ability to be automatically alerted wherever you are via a mobile app such as MontavueGO, and criminals are left with no where to hide.

Considering that the majority of crimes in New York tend to be Larceny-theft. And that 81% of crime reported in New York is property crime. It is reasonable to expect that your chances of being a victim of theft remain very high. Therefore you would be money ahead by installing a 4K security system with our incredible HD IP cameras from 4MP 2K to 8MP 4K. As a matter of fact, a study from the University of North Carolina stated that 60% of convicted burglars confessed that they avoided stealing from places that had a home security system.
While the reasons for the high rate of property crimes are many. A likely explanation is the growing trend of package theft. Because of the convenience of two-day shipping more merchandise is being delivered to homes. As a result, many criminals see an opportunity for a quick buck. Unfortunately, a house without a home security system makes an enticing target because it is easy to pick up a package without anyone noticing. In fact, a report from states that 23 million people have had packages stolen. Incidentally installing a home security system will reduce your odds of becoming a victim. However, you need to make sure you have 8MP or 4MP IP Cameras and a 4K NVR from Montavue to properly identify the suspects. The 4MP cameras are high enough resolution to identify in tough situations, and the 8MP take it up another notch. In an article by USA today, officer Sean Wilkenfeld stated that home security cameras, “are only useful if they are high enough quality to see a face.”

- A burglary occurs every 13 seconds in the United States.(4)
- Over 5,400 burglaries happen every day in the United States.(5)
- More than 2.5 million home intrusions are reported every year in the United States. (4)
- 74% of all burglaries reported in 2013 were on residential property.(5)
- Criminals target renters and homeowners at similar rates (4)
- 85% of police officials surveyed believed that home monitoring systems help deter burglary attempts.(4)
- Homes without security or alarm systems are up to 300% more likely to be broken into. (4)
- Some insurance providers offer discounts up to 20% when a home security system is intalled. (4)
Installing a home security system has been proven to drastically reduce your risk of property crime. Purchasing a professional-grade 4K NVR and 8MP or 4MP IP cameras is the best way to ensure that your property and loved ones are safe. Montavue has a large selection of IP cameras and 4K NVR’s to help secure your property. All of our products are easy to install and come with a 2-year warranty.